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Snowy Tuesday

So today, my husband and I visited the infertility doctor for the first time. The same clinic that we visited helped two of my husband's coworkers have babies. We had the initial consultation. The doctor asked us to recount the past 3 months to her. She was immediately concerned that I miscarried so late with the first baby. She said that was a red flag, but she seemed confident that she could help us have a baby.

I asked her about testing for the MTHFR gene mutation, as everything I've read suggests that recurrent miscarriage is one of the most worrying symptoms. I felt very dismissed by the doctor, as she immediately told me that there is conclusive evidence to suggest that the treatment for MTHFR in pregnancy does not decrease the chance of miscarriage. What she said goes against everything that I've read. I asked for the test anyway, just so I can know if I have it or not. I am trying to be hopeful and optimistic about this testing and stuff. I'm just scared that, like everything else, the tests will come back normal and we'll have no explanation as to why this keeps happening. Fingers crossed!

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